ION Science MiniPID 2 PPM WR | PPM WR VOC Gas Sensor -Cảm biến khí gas dải động rộng

Nhà sản xuất: ; Xuất xứ: UK
Khuyến mãi:Có Discount
Bảo hành:12 Tháng (Chính hãng)
Thanh toán:C.O.D / Bảo lãnh TT / Link hoạt
Vận chuyển:Miễn phí Tp.HCM, vùng lân cận
Thông tin nổi bật
Humidity-resistance, 10,000 hours continuous lamp life, Anti-contamination design, 10.6 eV lamp, Removable, pneumatically sealed sensing electrode stack, Series 4 / A1 size, 12- month warranty, Expected life > 5 years, UK
Chi tiết thông tin đặc tính sản phẩm
Cảm biến khí gas ION Science MiniPID 2 PPM WR | PPM WR VOC Gas Sensor
(dải động rộng)
OEM gas sensor with state of the art sensing technology
Our PPM Wide Range Sensor is designed for detecting VOCs over the widest dynamic range on the market without compromising performance. It is also the only PID sensor with a lamp out diagnostic.
The MiniPID 2 PPM Wide Range sensor is a simple plug-and-play sensor able to deliver a dynamic and dependable response to thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) across many diverse applications.
The sensor is designed for both diffusive and in-line pumped sampling, delivering an exceptional response time and clear down. The MiniPID 2 PPM Wide Range sensor incorporates lamps of exceptional brightness and stability enabling detection of less volatile and less readily sensed compounds reliably, over an extended period of time.
Key Features
- Humidity-resistance
- 10,000 hours continuous lamp life
- Anti-contamination design
- 10.6 eV lamp
- Removable, pneumatically sealed sensing electrode stack
- Series 4 / A1 size
- 12- month warranty (excluding the electrode stack)
- Expected life > 5 years
- Manufactured in the UK
Technical Specification
Electrode Stack Colour |
Blue |
Minimum Detection Limit |
500 ppb |
Range |
>10,000 ppm |
T90 Response Time (Seconds) |
<3 |
Sensitivity |
>0.4 mV/ppm @ 100 ppm |
Lamp Energy |
10.6 eV |
Power and Signal
Supply Voltage (using internal regulator) |
3.6 – 18 V (non intrinsically safe 10 – 18 V) |
Supply Voltage (using a regulated power supply) |
3 – 3.6 V |
Current |
20 – 32 mA (130 mA for 100 ms at start up) |
Power Consumption |
100 mW at 3.3 V |
Output Signal (using internal regulator) |
0 – 3.2 V |
Output Signal (using a regulated power supply) |
0 to rail voltage – 0.1 V |
Temperature Range |
-40 to 65 °C |
Relative Humidity Range |
0 – 99% RH, non-condensing |
Lifetime and Warranty
Expected Life |
>5 years |
Lamp Life |
10.6 eV 10,000 Hours |
Warranty |
10.6 eV lamp and MiniPID Body –12 months 11.7 eV lamp – 3 months |
Europe Certification |
North America Certification |
UL |
Worldwide Certification |
Patents |
US 7,046,012 EC 1474681 |
Eurasian Customs Union |
No EA∋C RU C-GB.HA65.B.00635/20 |